So, what is this all about?

Digital Nomad Meetup is about events from and for Nomads - worldwide.


By joining or hosting an event you meet inspiring people from around the world. I guarantee you, having nomads, travelers and entrepreneurs around you will really push you. You'll become highly motivated to push even harder towards your goals. Prepare for a spinning head full of ideas and new input.


We all got our unique talents. No one is good at every thing. So every one got something of value to share, be it in a workshop or a chat. You are a yoga instructor? A WordPress geek? You know how to give designs this perfect look? You are ... ? Then share your skills, it's easy and rewarding to organize a meetup.


We are all on a mission, what ever this is for you at the moment. Maybe overcoming the fear of putting your idea out there. Finding your live balance. Struggling with scaling your business. Venturing into the adventures of relationships on the road. Chances are high some one else had the same struggles and can give you helpful advice.

How you can benefit from Digital Nomad Meetup:

Attend meetups and events:

  • Learn: There will be always someone knowing more then you about a topic, willing to share his knowledge.
  • Motivation: We all have ups and downs. Trust me, surrounding you with nomads and entrepreneurs is highly inspirational and motivational.
  • New skills: Learn new skills and improve your knowledge in workshops.
  • Friendship: You'll meet a lot of great people from around the world and some will turn into good friends.
  • Feedback & NEW ideas: In exchanging your ideas with likeminded persons and entrepreneurs you'll get valuable feedback.
  • Fun:) does this need a explanation?

Host a meetup or event:

  • Share your event: You organize an event? Shout it out to the Nomad Community!
  • Reach: There is a lot going on here, use our traffic to promote your event. Its free.
  • Get your name out there: You organize some thing great? Thats great! We help you to let everyone know about it.

“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.

Timothy Ferriss

It's time to take action.


Join a meetup.

3000€/Tag (!) mit Amazon FBA und wie DU das auch kannst.

Amazon FBA Seller Daniel Vogler hat es in einem Jahr auf über 3.000€ Umsatz pro Tag geschafft. Wie DU das auch in 5 Schritten erreichen kannst, erklärt er in seinem Workshop. Er gibt viele seiner Learnings und Strategien preis die ihn zum Erfolg geführt haben. Nutze sein Wissen um teure Fehler zu vermeiden und Zeit zu sparen.
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Juhu, Steuererklärung! Steuern für Nomaden und Selbständige erklärt.

Steuern?! 👻☠️ Ein Wort und dir sträuben sich die Nackenhaare? Keine Angst, in diesem Workshop erklärt Melchior Bläse praxisnah alles was du als Digitaler Nomade, Freelancer ode Gründer wissen musst. Du Lernst welche Rechts- und Steuerformen es gibt und wann du welche Steuern zahlen musst. Du erfährst wann du Buchführen musst und erhältst viele Praxistips damit dir Steuern keine Kopfschmerzen mehr bereiten.
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